TYPED BY THE TWINS OF TRILOGY N O R T H A N D S O U T H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE GAME: The Aim Of The Game Your objective is ensure victory for your side (North or South) by eliminating allthe enemy armies. You will be controlling armies across all the combat zones of the Civil War. You may respect history or not, as you like. While "North & South" does not try to reconstitute history and places playability over realism, INFOGRAMES has made every attempt to emulate the atmosphere and overall strategic conditions of the Civil War. Thus, as in reality, the player may choose to advance deep into the South or North, to attack in the centre or to attempt a turning movement. The Game And Historical Accuracy As has been stated above, INFOGRAMES has above all tried to privilege gameplay rather than strict historical accuracy. Our wish has been to recreate the atmosphere to be found in the comic book series. You will therefore find some game details which do not respect historical reality, notably in the case of borders, the positions of towns and the railroad. We hope that these modifications will ensure a great deal of playing pleasure. Let's turn now to the most important part of this booklet: HOW TO PLAY "NORTH AND SOUTH". PREPARING THE GAME Choice of language : place your cursor over your language flag and click. How To Start Play Immediately: Using your cursor, click on the case marked "GO". You can now play using the following configuration: - You are playing at CAPTAIN level. You play CAPTAIN STARK against a Confederate Corporal played by the computer. The start year is 1861 and no catastrophe is activated. North plays first. If you want to alter the current configuration, you may act on the following parameters: - 1 or 2 players. - Change difficulty level. - Change start year. - Activate (or not) all or some of the catastrophes and events. - Play (or not) in strategic mode (no arcade) only. - Define which player will use the joystick (for 2 player game). The order given here is only an example; you need not respect it. These two parameters are selected in the same procedure. * Difficulty level: click on the character head in the window: CORPORALS : BLUTCH for the Union, MATHIAS for the Confederacy. SERGEANTS : CHESTERFIELD for the Union and CANCRELAT for the Confederacy. CAPTAINS : STARK for the North and PHILIP for the South. NOTE: SPECIAL FEATURE OF NORTH & SOUTH: Two players of differing skill can play against each other without losing play balance. The Northern player can, for example, choose CORPORAL level, while his opponent, a novice at this game, can choose the Southern CAPTAIN. In that case, the fort and train sequences will be of differing difficulty according to the player; the Confederate player will have a tougher jod than his Northern enemy. This possibility will allow experienced and beginning players to fully enjoy fighting it out. CORPORAL is the most difficult, CAPTAIN the easiest game level. 1 or 2 players: Click on the window flag behind the character; a computer will appear, signalling that your computer will play that side. Reclick on the computer to switch to human mode. UNION CORPORAL -- UNION PLAYER -- CONFEDERATE CORPORAL BEHIND -- AGAINST -- BEHIND HIS FLAG -- CONFEDERATE COMPUTER -- A COMPUTER UNION CORPORAL -- UNION COMPUTER -- CONFEDERATE CORPORAL BEHIND -- AGAINST -- BEHIND A COMPUTER -- CONFEDERATE PLAYER -- HIS FLAG UNION SERGEANT -- TWO HUMAN -- CONFEDERATE SERGEANT BEHIND -- PLAYERS -- BEHIND HIS FLAG -- -- HIS FLAG UNION CAPTAIN -- COMPUTER -- CONFEDERATE CAPTAIN BEHIND -- AGAINST -- BEHIND A COMPUTER -- ITSELF -- A COMPUTER *Change Start Year To choose the year when your games begins, click on the calendar to scroll the years from 1861 to 1864. !865 is not available, since the situation was too unfavourable for the South. Each year corresponds to a certain number of armies and territories owned by each side; the situation reflects actual historical conditions for that year. DISASTERS These options are available in order to allow oyu to create some of the elements that fans of the comic book series know very well. These diasters will modify the strategic situation. To activate a disaster, just click on it. When in play, you will not be able to cancel the disaster. Indians: They occasioally attack armies in neighbouring territories. When the Indians have spotted their prey, they send smoke signals before launching their attack. The army thus attacked may lose only some of its units or could be completely wiped out. The Mexican: If you have activated the Indian mode, the Mexican will also be present. Irritated at being so unceremoniously torn from a much needed snooze following a refreshing siesta, he will throw a bomb on the State of Texas, just to calm down whatever army happens to be there at the time. The poor army will lose some or all its units. Storms: A storm cloud travels around above the map. Any army under the cloud is unable to move until the clouds leaves the territory. European Reinforcements: Both sides in the Civil War were diplomatically very active in Europe. The side who owns South Virginia will receive a ship containing reinforcements. Once on dry land, they will constitute an army (1 Cannon unit, 3 Cavalry units and 6 infantry units) if there is no army currently in that territory; if there is already an army, then the newcomers from over the ocean will reinforce that army up to maximum limits (3 Cannon, 9 Cavalry and 18 Infantry). Any extras are lost. STRATEGIC OR ARCADE MODE Click on the Arcade icon to deactivate the Strategic mode and vice-versa. In the Arcade mode there are three challenges to face: the battle, the train and the fort. In the Strategic mode, these three arcade challenges are replaced by an automatic system for determining the outcome of each challenge, using a random decision based on the respective strength of the opposing forces. This option caters for those players who prefer to concentrate on the purely strategic aspects of the simulation. WHO PLAYS WITH THE JOYSTICK? When there are two player, an extra icon is available on the screen. It lets you specify which of the two sides will play using the joystick. By default, the Northern (Union) player uses the joystick. Just click on the South's grey rectangle to switch. To return the joystick to the Northern player, click in the blue rectangle. If you're playing alone against the computer, you automatically possess the mouse, keyboard 1 and the joystick. In a 2 player game, the player with the joystick also has keyboard 2. The other player has keyboard 1. The mouse may be used by both players for movement on the map (see Unit Movement). When you have decided on all the parameters above, in whatever order suits you, you can click on "GO" to start play. THE GAME *What is an ARMY in the game? An army is made up of a number of units of infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. According to the number of units in an army, the soldier who represents that army on the screen map has a greater or lesser number of cannon balls at his feet. Union Movement Play is organized into Game Turns. Players play one after the other. When each has played his turn, the Game Turn is then completed. During each of his turns a player may move some or all his armies; he maw move each army from its current territory to a neighbouring territory (a territory sharing a border with it). Here are a few examples: A) Moving to another territory - click on the unit you want to move - The possible territories where your chosen unit may move will flash. - Click on the territory you wish the unit to move to. - The unit moves to the selected territory. That unit may not move again until the Next Game Turn. B) Cancel a move so that another unit may first be moved - Click on a non-flashing territory. - The army will stay on its territory and may still be moved this Turn. - You may also click on the original territory. C) You decide not to move one, or several particular units - This operation may ONLY be done whe ALL movement has been played. When one or more armies remain which you don't want to move, to finish your turn, click on the Months and Years band at the bottom of the screen. It is now your opponent's turn to play. If you have moved all units, your turn end automatically. CONQUERING A TERRITORY 6 cases are possible when a unit moves into a territory: 1) The territory is VIRGIN. - The territory is owned by the first player to move an army onto it. - If the army moves away from the territory, then the player's flag will appear in it. In this case it's Northern. 2) The territory is enemy-owned but currently unoccupied by an enemy army. - The new army conquers the territory and the enemy flag disappears. - When the new army leaves, the owning side's flag appears. Here it's again a Union flag. 3) The territory is already occupied by an enemy unit. - In this case there will be a battle. If the attacker wins, then the territory will change sides. 4) The territory is already owned by the player. Nothing changes. 5) The territory has a town and is occupied by an enemy army. - The enemy army must then be defeated in the battle or forced to retreat. - You must then win the fight in the fort. - If you win in the fort, your army may stay in the territory. If not, it will stay in its original territory. 6) The territory has a town and is enemy-owned but no enemy army is present. - You must win the fort game to conquer the territory. - If you fail, your attacking army will remain in its original territory. Fusing Two Armies Together It can sometimes be a good idea to fuse two or more armies into one big force. This is done during movement: - Click on an army. - Move that army to a adjacent territory containing an allied army in order to be fused with. - You now have a new reinforced army which you'll be able to move next turn. NOTE: THE SAME SYSTEM OF MAXIMUM POSSIBLE FORCE AS WITH EUROPEAN REINFORCEMENT IS USED HERE. YOU CANNOT HAVE AN ARMY GREATER IN STRENGTH THAN 18 INFANTRY, 9 CAVALRY AND 3 CANNON. Attacking An Enemy Army - Click on the army you want to use. - Click on the territory containing the enemy unit you wish to attack. - The two opposing armies will now switch to the arcade "Battle" mode, unless the players are in strategic mode only. *ATTACKING A ENEMY ARMY WITH SEVERAL ARMIES If more than one allied unit can move onto the same enemy- occupied territory, then they may attack that enemy at the same time. Here's an example: - Click on one of your attacking armies. - Click on the enemy territory. - All allied armies which can attack that enemy will automatically move to the enemy territory. NOTE: REMEMBER THAT THE SUM OF ATTACKING ARMIES MAY NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM OF 18 INFANTRY, 9 CAVALRY AND 3 CANNON. IF, AFTER THIS FUSION, THERE ARE EXTRA UNITS, THEY WILL REMAIN AS AN ARMY IN ONE OF THE ORIGINAL TERRITORIES. THE COMPUTER IS SUPREME JUDGE IN TRICKY CASES ! *RETREATS We have already seen how a battle may be engaged. Let's now examine the possible strategic outcomes of a battle. If you have taken the decision to retreat, there are two possible cases: - You are the attacker: your army moves to its territory of origin. - You are the defender and the computer moves your army back from the front line to one of your territories. - If none of your territories are available to move back to, then the retreat won't be possible. THE SUPPLY PHASE or GETTING NEW ARMIES At the end of each Game Turn, according to the number of territories you possess, you should receive a certain number of bags of gold. You will only receive the gold, however, if two of your towns are connected by a railroad. *Getting The Gold If two towns are correctly connected, a train will travel at the end of your turn from one to the other. The bags of gold will then be deposited in the player's Central Bank. *Getting New Armies When a player has 5 bags of gold in his bank, a new army is created in exchange for the 5 bags. The new army will flash at the bottom left of the map. To move the new army into play, click on a flashing territory. The new army (6 Infantry, 3 Cavalry and 1 Canon) can only move to a territory containing no other army and which lies on a railroad line that belongs entirely to the new army's player. The available territories will flash. What happens if you cannot move a new army into play; If no appropriate territory is available, the bags of gold will remain in your Bank until you are able to move a new army onto the playing map. *How To Collect Your Enemy's taxes. - You must block the line between the two enemy towns by capturing one of the territories along the line. - No link between another two enemy towns must be possible (otherwise the train will always take the safest route, the one no hostile army present). - Once and once only, the enemy train will try to get through (if no other possible line exists). You will then switch to the Train arcade sequence. If you win the arcade (or strategic) sequence, the enemy's taxes will arrive in your Bank. - If you are in strategical mode, refer to the probability chart and the end of the instructions to know your chances of victory. - A safe railroad link: The Grey player's convoy is not cut off by a Blue-owned territory. - Interception: A Blue army occupies a territory along the railroad line; the Blue army will attempt an Interception. - The train takes another route: Another line exist which doesn't pass through hostile territory. - One of your armies must block the enemy railroad line, as mentioned before. NOTE: CANCRELAT AND CHESTERFIELD ARE ALWAYS DETAILED TO INTERCEPT TRAINS. IN CASE OF FAILURE, THERE SRE NO CONSEQUENCES TO THE INTERCEPTING ARMY. THE TRAIN SEQUENCE:Arcade Mode The character you control is on the ground. First you must climb up the back end of the passing wagons onto the roof of train. If you fail to climb on, then your interception is over. How to climb onto a wagon................./\(arrow up) How to move on the wagon..................<-- and --> How to jump from one wagon to the next..../\(arrow up) Your objective is to reach the front of the train in order to stop it and overcome the driver. To defeat you enemies: - Space bar or Fire button: you throw a knife at your enemy, unless you are in hand to hand combat. - Space bar or Fire button: You punch your enemy in hand to hand combat. NOTE: THE NUMBER OF KNIVES AVAIABLE IS LIMITED BY THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL. *The Race Against Time The amount of time available varies according to the difficulty level. Time is symbolized by a clock and your progress towards the locomotive is represented by a boot. You must get there before your time runs out; your boot must reach the right edge before the train gets away ! 2 - Player version : The player who owns the train, and who defends it against the attacking player, can send men onto the roof to fight off the attack. - To send a man up to the roof: Direction UP or DOWN (joystick or keyboard). - To throw a knife or give a punch (in hand to hand combat), the Fire button if you play with a jopystick, if not press the space bar. NOTE: THE MAN MOVES BY HIMSELF FROM RIGHT TO LEFT. THE DEFENDING PLAYER CONTROLS THE MOMENT WHEN THE SOLDIER APPEARS AND FIRES. THE FORT SEQUENCE Possession of at least two towns connected by a railroad link is vital for both players. These towns are protected by forts. To capture an enemy territory containing a fort, the player must defeat any enemy army present in the territory (in Battle mode) and also win the fort game. If no enemy army currently occupies the territory, the attacking player will still have to take the fort in order to capture the territory. If you are in strategical mode, refer to the probability chart and the end of the instructions to know your chances of victory. If the attacks fails, then the attacking army stays where it was at the start of the turn. A failure has no other consequences. The Arcade Game: Time is limited; the more difficult the level, the less time you have. Once again, a boot symbolises your progress in the fort. Your objective is the enemy flag situated at the far end of the fort. If you get there in time, the enemy flag will come down, to be replaced by yours. You have captured the town. You move and fight according to the same principle as in the Train sequence. Some of the obstacles can only be got over by climbing a ladder. Guard-dogs will appear from time to time and try to stop the attacker. If the attacker steps on a box of explosives, he will be stunned for several seconds. 2-Player version: The same commands are used as in the Train sequence. NOTE: IF THE DEFENDER USES DOWN DIRECTION TO BRING ON A SOLDIER, HE WILL ARRIVE AT GROUND LEVEL. USING UP DIRECTION WILL BRING THE SOLDIER INTO PLAY ON THE RAMPARTS. THE PITCHED BATTLE A battle is fought when two opposing armies occupy the same territory. The aim is to eliminate the enemy force or force it to retreat. The winner keeps the territory where the battle is fought. The three cannon balls represents the Artillery; The horse represents the Cavalry and the rifle represents the Infantry. Battle Play: 1) Choose the unit which is to move or fire: If you are using the joystick or keyboard 2: press Left SHIFT. If you control keyboard 1, press Right SHIFT. The selected unit is represented by its symbol. It is displayed at top left screen for the Union player and top right screen for the Confederate player. 2) Moving the unit Use the directions provided by keyboard 1, or joystick or keyboard 2, to move your units. - Artillery moves only up or down. - Cavalry begins facing the enemy, either right or left. Backward movement is impossible for horses; the most they can do is stay where they are. - Infantry can move in any direction. 3) Firing and Charging - Artillery: 1 player: Press Fire or Space bar. 2 players: Joystick player: Fire button. Keyboard 1: Space bar. Press and keep the key or button pressed; a gauge will display at the top of the screen. The fuller the gauge, the greater the range. When the gauge reaches the bottom, you reach the end of the enemy screen. To fire, release the key or button. The cannon balls will land at a distance corresponding to the gauge level. NOTE: THE CANONS POSSESS ONLY 9 CANNON BALLS. WHEN THE ARTILLERY HAS EXHAUSTED ITS AMMUNITION, IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY LEAVE THE FIELD OF BATTLE. *Cavalry: The same principle applies to commands. The first button-press positions the charge, facing the enemy. Further key/button pressing is used for sabre-slashing the enemy troops. When the Cavalry reaches the opposite screen edge, it will go round the battle field and return to its original position, assuming of course that there are survivors ! CHANGING FORMATION: To switch Cavalrymen to normal or to single-file formation, direct them once in the opposite direction to the direction of their charge (right or left). THIS PARTICULAR MANOEUVRE IS VITAL FOR CROSSING BRIDGES AND CANYONS ! *Infantry: The same command principle applies. The first press places the footsoldiers into firing position. Further pressing will make the fiers shoot straight ahead. CHANGING FORMATION: To return to the original formation, just direct them once in the direction opposite to their marching direction (left or right). If you continue taking that direction, the formation will move back. RETREAT If the battle situation seems grave enough to suggest an orderly retreat, the joystick/keyboard 2 player should press the ESCAPE key; the keyboard 1 player should press BACKSPACE. When Is It Possible To Retreat? As soon as his units are in place on the battle field, the player may retreat. The retreating army will lose all its cannons. If the attacker retreats, his army will retreat from its territory (see Retreat rules). If the defender retreats, his army will retreat from the territory (see Retreat rules). If the retreat is impossible, the Retreat keys (ESCAPE and DELETE) are inactive. SURROUNDING THE ENEMY To capture a territory without fighting a battle, you can encircle it. When enemy territories with no armies stationed in them are encircled by oe or more of your armies, those territories change sides. You cannot "surround" a territory which has a town. OUR TIPS STRATEGIC ADVICE As BLUTCH and CHESTERFIELD are not qualified to talk on this subject, we asked Union General ALEXANDER a few questions. INFOGRAMES:Some advice for beginners, General? Northern beginners, naturally ! ALEXANDER: Superior numbers, my boy! That's always been the key to my staggering success. Harumph. Don't hestitate to join small armies up to form a large battle force. That doesn't mean you should use just one great army, because that would let the rebels attack your towns and railroads with impunity. For the discerning and right-thinking fellow who decides to defend Union colours and stamp out the Grey rot, I would advice two things. Firstly, to connect two towns and secondly, to concentrate on owning TENNESSEE. That particular territory in Northern hands poses a grave threat to the South. For the fellow who'd like to play at being GRANT, MISSOURI and KANSAS are vital. As far as the unprincipled Southern rascal is concerned, I can only suggest he surrenders immediately ! By the way, the INFOGRAMES symbol is an ARMADILLO, isn't that so? I : Why yes, General! A : Thought so. And isn't the ARMADILLO the TEXAS mascot ? And isn't TEXAS a Confederate territory ? You, sir, are a traitor and a varmint! I'll have you in irons ! I : Well, another time perhaps, General. We're expected down in Dixie ! (sound of scarpering and gasping)... Ah, General PHILIP, what advice would you give the unprincipled Southern rasc...... uh pardon me, what should a fine Southern gentleman do to win this war ? PHILIP : Well, my dear sir, the Southern gentleman should avoid getting himself cornered against the Gulf of Mexico. He would be well adviced not to get himself crushed by the damyankee giant speeding down from the North. Railroad lines must be consolidated and North Carolina prevented from falling into dirty Yankee hands. TENNESSEE must be kept under lock and key, and two tactical solutions come to mind in that connection: either move towards KENTUCKY or turn off towards MISSOURI. Didn't you just come from the North, sir? I : Well, in a manner of speaking, General. In fact, we... P : Say no more, you Bluecoat spy ! I : Uh oh. (more scarpering). BATTLE TIPS EXCLUSIVE: Captain STARK's considered advice: CHAAARGE !!! I : Due to a number of misunderstandings, we've run out of experts to question. So here are some ideas which may or may not help. If you begin a battle with more cannon than your enemy, then fire from the start and keep firing. Aim to wipe out enemy cannon. If the enemy charges your cannon, use your infantry to stop him, because it's not easy to stop a charge with artillery fire unless you can judge where the horses will be when you fire. If you command at least three Cavalry units, don't hesitate to charge the enemy ranks; you'll wreak havoc! Finally try to vary your tactics, otherwise your enemy will learn your method and won't hesitate to lay traps for you. Don't forget that the outcome of a battle is never a foregone conclusion; even a single Cavalry unit can turn the tide! GENTLEMEN, DRAW SABRES ! ----- AGAIN ANOTHER 100% POWER-TYPING ---- --- DONE BY THE TWINS OF TRILOGY --- -- IN NOVEMBER -- EXPORTED BY MIDNIGHT MANIAC & MAYDAY ON 22/11